Saturday, December 05, 2009

Holiday Lights

Green Holiday Action #5

Throughout the Los Angeles area and around the country, the viewing of holiday lights is a seasonal treat.

Typically, cars slowly cruise "Candy C
ane Lane's" and other community spectacles. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP) Holiday Light Festival is just such a mile long route decorated with festive displays. This year however the DWP is promoting greener viewing. Dec. 4, 2009 through the 17th, the route will be "vehicle free."

We went last night to walk the route with other pedestrians. No car aghaust or long waiting lines, just bodies dressed warmly for a brisk California winter evening. Other evenings will provide access for bicyclers. For more info about the DWP Holiday Light Festival visit their website.

The lights depict a kind of history of the Los Angeles area. Where else would holiday lights include surfers?

Make it a new holiday tradition to walk your neighborhood or other holiday displays. You'll have more opportunity to see the decorations, save gas and reduce the creation of greenhouse gases.

And if you go and admire one large light display, you don't have to create a rival one at home. You can cut back a bit on your electricity use.

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